Becoming a Clothing Distributor—5 FAQs (and Answers)

Over the past couple of years many wholesale clothing distributors in USA, Canada, Australia, and across the world has emerged on the scene. And unsurprisingly so; given few years back becoming an apparel distributor was a distant thought, that’s not so the case today. Things have turned in the favor of new entrepreneurs—with the right plan and actions, disrupting the clothing market has become a lot easier.

So have you been toying around with the idea of starting your own clothing distribution company, you’re not alone. And just like others, likely you too have few to many questions clustering your mind and obstacling your dreams and actions.

Here are 5 most Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) with the answers

Q1) Why even become a wholesale clothing distributor?

For many, the entry-point concern is if being a distributor is actually better than being a retailer. Sure, like every B2C model, directly selling to the customers is much straightforward and less stressful. However, talking strictly about monetary return, distributors enjoy a wider leeway in setting their profit margin. The return comes in big chunks. And once good and long-lasting repo is built with the retailers, things get smoother and return becomes consistent.


Wholesale Clothing Distributors

Q2) How to start the distribution business?

There are several avenues to start wholesale apparel distributorship depending on your needs and financial stature.

  • One, you can start your company from the scratch.
  • Second, you can buy existing distribution company.
  • Third, if you already a retailer, you can steadily grow it into wholesaling. Starting first with local dealers.
  • Fourth, dialing manufacturers who actively seek distributors to expand their brand’s reach. These manufacturers offer many types of assistance, including financial.

Q3) How to pick a manufacturing brand?

While you can be a distributor of multiple clothing manufacturer at the same time, when starting it is best to stick with one for better focus and industry understanding. How to pick that one manufacturing brand is an obstacle many stumble across. Look for one that enjoys better market credibility and already has few happy clothing distributors USA and Australia based; someone whose catalog is big enough to match your and your target audience’s needs.

Q4) How to qualify yourself to be the distributor of the selected brand?

Aiming for the moon, you must prove your worth for it. Meaning, if you’re looking to partnering-up with top apparel manufacturing brand, you need to qualify for that. These brands would usually have set of criterions that you must pass. While for some, you can directly contact them with all the required information and they would dial you back if you’re qualified. You must have decent financial standing, sustainable plan of various aspects of the business, and well understanding the market and target small clothing businesses.


Q5) How to connect with the clothing retailers?

This is one the biggest concern—how to find, connect and sell to the retailers. If you have picked a good manufacturing brand, you can expect a decent amount of assistance here to help you take off. Reaching out to other businesses need marketing strategies and effective communication. You can use online channels to look for prospects, or can directly contact the local businesses in your city.

Sure becoming a clothing distributor is a become step and there are many questions that need answers. However, these are the 5 most FAQs with respective answers. Plan well, act well, and, most importantly, have a good and reliable manufacturing brand by your side.



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